Friday, October 12, 2018

To Re-ignite a Blog and the Pensive Turtle Returns

How to begin: A new Focus

Peace be with you,

     The last I used this blog as a platform to keep you, my friends spread around the world, abreast of my adventures was the summer of 2015. My how much has changed since then. I've pondered re-starting this blog numerous times, but each of those times the subject matter was far too personal to me or those closest to me to put so publicly. A change of focus is now needed. The original post were more a catalog of my frequent adventures and musings of an engineer working on an exciting rotational work schedule in Central West Africa, and of a newly confirmed Catholic and apprenticed farmer. While life is still full of daily adventure, it is, for a season, not of the same caliber or sensation as those days in Africa or Texas. The musings however are still there and it is to those I wish to write and share with some biographical chronicling to flesh out context.
Overview of 3 Years:

     Three years ago I was still a brand new Catholic of less than a year living and working on a farm in Central Texas. While the newness of being Catholic is ever present, I've also grown in faith and understanding such that I am more sure and confident, and hopefully gracious, while still having the zeal of a convert. I owe this in large part to the Grace of God working in my life through frequenting the Sacraments, the love and encouragement from fellow Catholic Christians, the patience of my spiritual director, study resources of the Institute of Catholic Culture among others, and the time in prayerful silence spent waiting on God.

     Nearly three years ago I met an incredible catholic women to whom I was engaged, for a time, to be married. We called of the engagement for multiple reasons, some of which only became clear in the aftermath. It is interesting how you can often know something before you can express fully the knowing; and that you can act rightly on that knowing with the little you can express. I think this is very human, very relational in scope, and I can easily overlooked, ignore, and undervalue the balance and tension of knowing and knowing why. 

     Well, when dreams are dashed and there is but one thing left in your hand, though a dozen voices may distract, do the one thing left to you! I returned home to Alaska the autumn of 2016 to work with my dad in the family business, spraying Urethane Insulation. Glamorous! Right?! Haha! Not so much, but it is good.

    I returned home telling my dad that I was going to work for him for 2-3 years and then I wanted to move on, really move out of Alaska again for a warmer more temperate farming climate. Yet, Alaska in her perilous beauty, untamable wildness, and remote vastness was balm to my weary and worn heart and she wooed me back to loving being here despite the rugged harshness of the wilderness, literally and spiritually. There is a tenacity and delicacy to life under the midnight sun and northern lights. (More on that to follow in subsequent posts) In addition, I came to enjoy the working relationship with my dad and I really enjoy the lifestyle and opportunities that seasonal tradesman labor can afford me in Alaska. Finally, ff no small importance, 2017 and the first half of 2018 where spent in discernment of a possible vocation to the priesthood which has had a profound impact on who I am today. While at this time I don't intend to write further about my previous engagement nor my discernment of the priesthood, they are part of my story and certainly color my thoughts and actions which is the content of what I will write.   

Inspiration and content:

    One thing about the work of spraying insulation pertinent for this post is the idea of "Repetition without Monotony." When you combine:
  • 1) The time spent developing human interests and personal study of a single non-dating man in the evenings or during the slow winter months 
  • 2) The beginnings of a prayer and interior life - very beginner 
  • 3) A job that has an almost meditative quality of repetitive action with high awareness to multiple changing factors
You have a setting for rumination of ideas within the daily work routine that exercises mind, body, and soul should you take the time to foster the habit. I like that. I dare say I thrive with that kind of work, pray, study atmosphere as they all inform the other... and my poor dad as the sounding board for my menagerie of thoughts. Disclaimer: Not every day of work is of this quality and must be pursued attentively lest it slip away into the monotony of the urgent now; plenty of days my mind is on the worries, cares, and stresses of the day.

It is primarily from these working reflections that I wish to write about in this reboot of a blog. The topics will be varied and include: 
  • Science and religion
  • Theology and philosophy,
  • Current events and news, 
  • Human sexuality and love
  • Contraception and theology of the body, 
  • Art and literature, 
  • The purpose of life, 
  • Faith and reason
  • Hobbies and the outdoors, 
  • Farming and the environment, 
  • Tradition and reform
  • Politics and economics 
  • Apologetics and history
  • Culture and food
  • Virtue and friendship
  •  Sacred Scripture and catechetics
  • Truth and Catholicism
Yikes! Perhaps I am guilty of being pretentious... To keep from biting off more than I can chew, the pace will be one post a week to be written by Sunday evenings unless I have three or more lined up and ready to go. I wish to make it abundantly clear that I am an amateur in all these things. That is, one who loves, practices, and cultivates these things while it is not my trained profession or education. Also, much of what I intend to write is based off of questions posed by friends to me, or questions that I ask of myself and of those around me. Humor is a good cure for taking oneself too seriously so I hope to take a jovial and lighthearted tone, being the first to laugh at my own absurdity. I write too for my own sake to order and work out my own thoughts, and sometimes to put some rambling idea to rest. 

Finally, what I write is sure to be controversial (if we're honest, there is controversy at the heart of all of us), politically incorrect (being p.c. is a moving target anyway), and not much in vogue (being in vogue seems highly overrated). Agree or disagree with me all you like. Constructive criticism is gladly welcomed. Investigate for yourself. Come to your own conclusions. God gave me and you reason, intellect, and a will but its up to us to develop and use them or to let them go to waste. 

First up for the weekend: Journeys, Longing, and the Catechism   

God love you,

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