Monday, April 21, 2014

Morning Report - Day 48 - Tuesday, April 22nd

The Moring Report with AK Andy - April 22nd 2014 ~ 3:00 (UTC +1:00) WCA

Howdy Gang!

As of posting this, I will be leaving the rig today!!!! I have been offshore now for 40 days and in country for 48. I am ready to fly this coop!

Up and at it! Time to work under the hot afternoon sun.
Thankfully the days and weeks have all blurred at this point and whether something happened yesterday or last week, I am not sure. This well has been eventful and particular this last run in which we had several tool issues and set backs which delayed the rig. Not what you want to have happen, but some things are out of your control so I try to not let it stress me out too much. Also, some of our operations over the last few days required the 3 of us MWDs to work for about 18 hours, so you work, shower, and a sleep. (Most of the job there were 2 of us MWDs guys working 12 hour shifts with the DDs) It was good to have help and the extra company for 6 hours. We may not work the long crazy hours of wire line, but D&M work hitches can be long in there own right.

Once again, I want to make it clear that not all of those 12-18 hours are full of work related activities. There are periods of down time where I monitor measurements in real time and need to be available to respond to questions or events. During these slower times I pass the time with messaging people on facebook and microsoft lync, or just shoot the breeze with whoever is around. I also read online blogs, articles, and books as a form of distraction from boredom. The bursts of work activity and intervening distractions cause the days to pass quickly.

However, we have finished drilling the well and the tools are set to go back to town. The rig will be going into well completions for about the next five weeks and it is my time to head home. Today's flight, I will be taking a helicopter from the rig to the mainland. From there I will be probably taking another helicopter flight to Bioko Island where the SLB base is located. I will try to keep on my night shift sleep schedule by sleeping some this afternoon and then going into the base in the early evening. There I will work on printing out the final deliverable prints into the early hours of Wednesday morning. Once this is done, just about everything will be set on the MWD side for final data delivery to the client. The rest of the paper work has already been down the last few days on the rig. 

I think a storm is coming...

Today I should also be getting tickets for heading out on days off. At this point I expect to be flying out Wednesday evening! :-) 

My first stop will be Texas. There I will visit with friends in Houston, Austin, and San Antonio as their schedules allow. There are sure to be some Texas adventures. I already have plans to attend an Opera performance! (I have been to the Houston Symphony before, now is time to go to an opera!)

From Texas I will be flying back to Alaska. I have lots of things planned to fill my time back in AK, but I am reminded to get some rest and relaxation in these weeks ahead. - Yeah, like that is going to happen. - Besides doing some enjoyable pursuits in Alaska, I also want to work on some local farms to get some hands on experience. I have been reading plenty of farming books. It is time to get my hands dirty. 

That is about all I have to share for now. I will post some stories and photos from the upcoming time off as time permits. 


Sunset over the Atlantic Ocean - Working the night shift ensures catching the best sunsets and sunrises.

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