Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Daily Report - Day 13 - Wednesday, March 19th

The Morning Report with AK Andy - March 20th 2014 ~ 04:45 (UTC +1:00)

Good morning to you all. Not much to report. We reached section total depth in the afternoon, and my work shift has been pleasantly quiet as we circulated the hole clear of cuttings for several hours and then the crew has been tripping pipe out of the hole.

I finished a book by Wendell Berry entitled Bringin it to the Table on farming and food. It is a wonderful book with loads of wit and humor as well as depth in his insights, and philosophy that challenges accepted notions. The deeper I wade into these kinds of books the more I am finding common themes like currents. I discover more authors yet to read. New ways of looking at the world, society, and nature. Ideas about looking at the world as a whole, not in parts. A call to abandon specialization in favor of holistic understanding...


Oh, there was a one-sided fight on the rig Wednesday morning. Both men are out a job. The events around the lashing out attack, more of an adapt word, are messy. "A tale through too many mouths grows feathers."  I wasn't there and there are conflicting tales.  You would think in this small a population the story wouldn't diverge so much. I could say more, but it is better to be silent when prudent.

Veritas Numquam Perit! 

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