Monday, March 17, 2014

Morning Report - Day 11 - Monday, March 17th

The Morning Report with AK Andy - March 18th 2014 ~ 05:15 (UTC +1:00)  

   Top of the Morning! My how time flies and crawls. Even with keeping this daily report up working nights causes the days to blur together. I am in good spirits though. Work is going well and we are making good progress on drilling this section of the well.

   It is strange work though. Seldom do I feel a sense of accomplishment. What did I do today/week/month? What did I accomplish on this project? Who will it affect? Was it meaningful? The answers to these questions on a large scale are to vague and abstract for my liking.  Digging deeper I still am left pondering. On the smaller scale I can answer for myself, family, and friends. Daily I have a routine of asking my self a series of questions. Daily I have to answer. Sometimes I can be ironic or sarcastic towards myself, but in the end I know why I am doing this, and I do find value in my work.

   What is it exactly I do?  At work I fulfill my job duties and responsibilities as best I can in order to do what is best and improve my life and the lives of those around me. That is a common answer and is my answer for today.

1 comment:

  1. "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness..." God is working in you and through you even when you may not be feeling accomplished. Be encouraged. :) Hope all is well, friend.


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